
Sleep Well, Stay Strong
Monthly Payments As Low As: $42
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Free Trial Period: 90 Nights
Warranty: 12 years

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No muss, no fuss financing 

so you can sleep at night. 

Keetsa believes that everybody is entitled to an extraordinary night’s sleep. If they could achieve that, we’d have a more tranquil world. To make Keetsas accessible to all, they’ve partnered with Affirm to provide 0% financing for your Keetsa.

Yes, zero percent. And before you ask—no hidden fees.

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Give a Smile

Buying a Mattress, Giving a Smile

Your support to Keetsa brings one more smile to the world.

Globally, 1 in every 700 children is born with a cleft. While surgery can take as little as 45 minutes and costs as little as $250, it is out of reach for many. Since 2012, Keetsa has been making annual donations of $30,000 to the global charity Operation Smile.